Development, Project Management, Strategy, Product ManagementThe 3 critical questions to ask your software development companyThe 3 critical questions to ask your software development company Editor’s note: This piece was originally p...
Development, Strategy, UX & Design, Mobile, Product ManagementDon’t trust your software estimate without a UX prototypeWhat Is Software Prototyping And Why Is It So Important? If you’re starting a web or mobile project, it’s ...
Development, Project Management, StrategyPrevent Software Development Failure by Asking “Why?”How to prevent your custom software project from failing by getting clear with your software developer on the ...
Development, StrategyThe Experience Web, Part I: It’s the End of the Web as We Know It?The web is changing and your site plays a critical role in the new landscape. A two part guide for web develop...
Development, Project Management, StrategyWhat is Technical Debt? The History and DefinitionThe software development community has embraced the technical debt analogy to explain that a software project ...
StrategyDelivering on PromiseBuilding a culture of trust is important here at Praxent. To deliver on promises consistently and reliably we ...
Product Management, StrategyHow Lexus Nails Customer RelationshipsPart 3 in Reverse Engineer Your Business Series- look at aspects of the Business Model Canvas, a modeling tool...
StrategyWhat a Sandwich Can Teach Us About Value PropositionsPart 2 of Reverse Engineer Your Business Series. We look at a business modeling tool developed by the folks at...
Product Management, Development, UX & Design, Strategy, Project ManagementUsing the 80/20 rule in web designThe 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, states: for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of caus...
StrategyWhen Building a Software Application, Let the “Why” Inform the “What”Software is a key resources of modern businesses. Keep in mind these key concepts before investing in the cust...