UX & Design, Product Management5 Characteristics of a UX Design Team You Can TrustQuestions To Ask When Hiring A UX Designer We outline 5 characteristics of a trustworthy UX design team, and o...
UX & DesignDesigning 3 Sprints Ahead for Improved User ExperienceDesigning 3 Sprints Ahead for Improved User Experience Luke Wroblewski, an internationally recognized digital ...
UX & DesignDesigners, you are not impostersDesigners, you are not imposters Imposter syndrome – I feel like it affects all of us at some point, but...
UX & DesignComponent design – changing the way we build digital productsWhat is Component Design, and How is it Changing the Way We Build Digital Products? We take a look at the defi...
Product Management, Mobile, Development, UX & Design, StrategyDon’t trust your software estimate without a UX prototypeWhat Is Software Prototyping And Why Is It So Important? If you’re starting a web or mobile project, it’s ...
Project Management, UX & DesignWhat is Design Thinking? [infographic]Similar in spirit to the principles behind Agile/Scrum Methodology, Design Thinking spurs innovation and solve...
UX & DesignA Timeline of Apple Products [infographic]Infographic provides a great visual overview of Apple products through the years. Note the aesthetic change fr...
UX & DesignColor Psychology in BrandsInfographic depiction of color psychology combined with brand messaging can create emotional and behavioral tr...
Product Management, Development, UX & Design, Strategy, Project ManagementUsing the 80/20 rule in web designThe 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, states: for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of caus...
Development, UX & DesignPower ThemingIan Carrico on Power Themeing to write responsive web design using Compass, SASS, and Compass Extensions. All ...