podcast EP039: On Product Design and Solving Wicked Problems with Adam Richardson '; Today’s guest is the multi-faceted and uniquely talented Adam Richardson. [Read more]
podcast EP038: The Platform Revolution with Geoff Parker '; Geoffrey Parker is a Professor of Engineering at the Thayer [Read more]
podcast EP037: Riding the Wave of Consumer Demand for Entrepreneurial Breakthrough, with Mike Michalowicz '; This is Mike Michalowicz’s second visit on the Commanding Business [Read more]
podcast EP036: Turning Followers into Leaders with Captain David Marquet '; After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy at the top [Read more]
podcast EP034: The Human Journey through the Lens of Innovation and Processes with Bijoy Goswami '; Bijoy Goswami joins Tim to discuss his ideas on bootstrapping [Read more]
podcast EP033: Four Simple Questions to Jumpstart Your Business Journey, with Mark Moses '; Tim’s guest, Mark Moses, has had two ultra-successful businesses, starting [Read more]
podcast EP032: Investing in and Executing Continuous Improvement Projects Using Lean Six Sigma with Kimberly Watson-Hemphill of Firefly Consulting '; Improving business processes can be a difficult task if management [Read more]
podcast EP031: Disarmingly Honest Conversations, with John Oberg '; New managers often find themselves tangled in a web of [Read more]