ARTICLE AI Claims Co-Pilots Roadmap for Workers’ Compensation: A Strategic Guide We’ve all heard non-stop this year how AI will change [Read more]
press A Perfect Storm: Transparency, Unbundling Specialty Drugs, Value-Based Pricing How PBM Platforms Can Lean in to Capture Market Share
press Triad Financial Services’ Digital Transformation A Praxent Case Study: Modernizing Code Stack with Microservices for [Read more]
article Locality Bank enhances data-driven customer relationships, supported by Praxent Data warehousing and business intelligence systems will empower bank to [Read more]
article Plinqit experiences strong growth and helps banks grow deposits, supported by Praxent Partnership helps financial institutions accelerate digital initiatives, boosting deposit acquisition [Read more]
article Praxent and WealthBlock facilitate intuitive journeys for investors Praxent Supports WealthBlock in Building Differentiated Digital Experiences for Capital [Read more]