ARTICLE Automated Governance Tools for IT Leaders To Enforce Standards and Mitigating Technical Debt in Modern Insurance [Read more]
ARTICLE Avoiding the Hybrid Trap: Tackling Complexity in Hybrid Cloud Insurance Architectures Here’s how insurers can simplify hybrid cloud management while maintaining [Read more]
ARTICLE Lighthouse POCs: A Smarter Approach to Modernization Modernizing insurance systems is a complex challenge. It requires introducing [Read more]
ARTICLE How a Microservices Assessment Rescued a Struggling Insurance Modernization Initiative Revealing the root causes of systemic technical debt to transform [Read more]
ARTICLE The Growing Threat of Technical Debt in Modern Insurance Technology Modern technology strategies—like microservices, cloud-native architectures, APIs, and advanced data [Read more]
ARTICLE Building Evolutionary APIs: Best Practices for Scalable, Resilient Microservices Here’s a deeper dive into our best practices for building [Read more]
ARTICLE 5 Strategic Priorities for Insurance CIOs and CTOs in 2025 Recognizing that most technology leaders in insurance are dealing with [Read more]
ARTICLE AI Claims Co-Pilots Roadmap for Workers’ Compensation: A Strategic Guide We’ve all heard non-stop this year how AI will change [Read more]