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Meet Your Recruiter: Who is Molly Middleton?
Meet Your Recruiter: Who is Molly Middleton?
Chances are, if you’re applying for a position here at Praxent, you will cross paths with Molly Middleton. So, we’re here to give you the insider’s scoop on thirteen things about Molly that you probably did not know (and that you wouldn’t be able to find on her Linkedin!).
Tell me about yourself.
My name is Molly (as if the title of this blog didn’t give that away) 😉 . I’m the oldest of 4, and also the shortest of 4…thanks for those genes, mom! I have a Miniature Schnauzer named Mitzi whom I picked specifically because she was the runt of her litter too. I’m from the Dallas, Texas, area and grew up a military brat. Well, my dad was in the military, but luckily we didn’t have to move a lot. My grandpa turns 100 years old this year and we are best buddies. In college I called him every Sunday and we’d talk for at least an hour. My family is very important to me.
What’s your favorite thing about Recruiting?
Oh my gosh – the new hire’s first day! Knowing that Praxent has scored a rock star, the individual has found their new home, and both of those worlds collide…there’s no better feeling. I form such a connection with every candidate throughout their interviewing process that being able to introduce this friend, who I feel like I’ve known for so long, to the rest of my friends is something else. Ah, I’m smiling right now.
I also have a soft spot for collegiate recruiting. I believe some of the most stressful years are those in college and your early twenties. I empathize with not knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life, feeling confused on how to get there, and wishing someone would just give you a chance. Some of my favorite career memories are when I worked on a campus recruiting team and got to meet students on campus.
What’s your favorite thing about Praxent?
This right here. I know what you’re thinking! No silly, it’s not answering questions all about myself. What I love is that Praxent cares so much about who we are as individuals, and not *just* employees. That’s hard to come by and is without a doubt what I love the most.
What are some secrets nobody knows about you?
The first thing I do every morning is read mom blogs.
Monday is my favorite day of the week.
My glasses have 0 prescription.
(Gosh I feel exposed now!)
What is one random achievement of yours?
I’m Yelp Elite.
What is something you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
I want to author and publish a book.
What is the strangest job you ever had?
Does it count if I say my entrepreneurial spirit encouraged me to start “Molly’s Menu“ when I was 10 years old. It was a menu of anything I could come up with that I could do (think “brush your hair” type items). My “business cards” only made it to my family members and I may or may not have charged my little sister $5 to massage her stuffed animal for two minutes.
Tell us about a famous person that you are related to (and/or wish you were related to)?
Kate Middleton is my cousin! Distant of course, but nonetheless.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
This may seem like a joke, but it’s really not. I wanted to own a retirement home! In middle school, I volunteered at retirement homes in the summer. There may be photos of me learning how to belly dance at a senior home on Father’s Day the summer after I graduated high school. 🙂
What are your outside of work hobbies?
I coach volleyball and I love sports. I’m taking lessons to play golf again and I’ll pick up sand volleyball from time to time. I also love watching the Boston Red Sox and can be found at a minimum of two Oklahoma Sooner football games every year. I’m a certified Health Coach and Yoga Instructor. I scrapbook. I love traveling. And, I’m currently learning how to sing through voice lessons. My outside-of-work hobbies keep me energized.
Tell us one of your pet peeves.
How about two? One is when stop lights aren’t in sync. The constant start, go, stop, wait, think, pause, just irks me. The second would be when people scrape their metal silverware against their teeth. Yikes, I have goosebumps thinking about it. I will usually carry plasticware with me.
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
OMG, Hoda Kotb!!!!
What board game are you absolutely amazing at and why?
Code names. I figured out a strategy for it, and I’d tell you but then….
What is the strangest thing you learned in school?
That I don’t know myself as well as I thought. I’ve always considered myself an introvert, but I think back to middle school and all of the times I spent in detention for “talking too much”. Ah, these middle school stories…I was a real treat. Sorry mom and dad!
What’s the furthest you’ve been away from home?
The Dominican Republic.
Who would you like to switch places with for a day?
My puppy, I’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to be a dog. You can sleep all day, not pay any bills, everyone loves you, I mean it sounds like THE life!
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