article How Adding Manpower to a Software Project Does More Harm Than Good An idea that adding more manpower to a software project [Read more]
article How Lexus Nails Customer Relationships Part 3 in Reverse Engineer Your Business Series- look at [Read more]
article What a Sandwich Can Teach Us About Value Propositions Part 2 of Reverse Engineer Your Business Series. We look [Read more]
article When Building a Software Application, Let the “Why” Inform the “What” Software is a key resources of modern businesses. Keep in [Read more]
article Engagement Curve: How to Nurture Visitors into Leads The practical concept behind the engagement curve is simple. The [Read more]
article ScrumMaster vs. Project Manager ScrumMaster vs Project Manager- differences in their respective roles and [Read more]
article Dynamic image loading in a responsive slideshow Using Drupal's image styles, a responsive javascript slideshow, and custom [Read more]