Looking to launch a Robo-Advisor?
Struggling to choose between licensing an inflexible white-labeled app or building one custom? Then don’t. We’ve got the best of both worlds.

Our pre-built codebase accelerates your time to market by 15 weeks and saves over $150k of custom development.
Product features
- APEX digital custodian integration
- Account opening and KYC
- MX account funding integration
- Recurring deposits
- Robo-Advisor portfolio
- Investor dashboard
Learn more about how the Fintech Accelerator Kit can help you and your company.
Contact Us
Best of all? You’re the only tenant. It’s your
codebase. You own the IP.
Have Praxent’s team of over 120 product designers, software engineers, and
fintech specialists customize and implement it to your needs.

Your App, your way. Faster.

Flexible Integrations
Robo-advisor investing powered by APEX and account funding powered by MX.
Need to use a different
Praxent can integrate any digital custodian or fintech into the accelerator app.
See The Accelerator App in action
The offering includes pre-built functionality that allows wealth tech providers to launch a robo-advisor with less cost and more speed.
Sound good? It’s about to get better.
No licensing fees.
Work with Praxent’s team for UX design and software
engineering and you can utilize the codebase for free.
Praxent accelerates the development of differentiated fintech products and
experiences that produce measurable results.
We help fintechs and financial services
firms acquire and enrich their customer relationships through the latest in human-centered design, software engineering, and fintech product integrations.

projects delivered

in business

120+ designers & developers