
Hackathon: DevOps, GoLang, Web Games, and Communicating Design

Hackathon: DevOps, GoLang, Web Games, and Communicating Design

This year, we decided to take our Hackathons up a notch by holding them every quarter. In our final hackathon of the year, we had a diverse showcase of projects by both the developers and non-developers. While the devs worked on projects like exploring GoLang using Slack as sandbox and coding local environment setup scripts, the non-developers conceptualized an app and covered all the walls with post-its created all of the associated deliverables needed to pitch a design (user research, wireframes, etc.).

They definitely did not pose for stock photos.

Nick and Jason from the design team decided to use HTML5, SVG, and Javascript to code a web game for tending to a garden.

Meanwhile, these devs claimed to be focusing on GoLang, but they seem to have been distracted by pandas. As usual, the Beaver of Congratulations* showed up just to shake things up a bit.

*The Beaver of Congratulations is a whole ‘nother story. Ask Tim about it.